Monday, October 5, 2015

Boys & Studying ….Pet Peeves

If this happens to you, please let me know because it seems the guys in my life follow the same trend and it sucks!

Is it just me or do boys not get it? Do they just not get the whole studying thing? Do they not understand that these tests make or break your future? 

In this case I'm talking about the LSAT…
You know that little test that determines whether or not you get into the law school that could potentially change your life and that you've been dreaming of getting into since FOREVER. 
YES that test!

So I've been causally seeing this guy for some time now, just here and there since June. Really just messing around and nothing serious and we'd hardly ever text or talk on the phone and that was all right with us. However, I do hate just hooking up with someone and not really having any relationship with them so it was getting old. He didn't really understand that, and kept quoting "if something more happens, then it happens." But if he was being honest, it would have probably gone more like, "I like to keep my options open, so I'll see ya when I'll see ya."

Anyways back to studying for the LSAT which is NO JOKE, and he starts complaining that we never talk or see each other any more. Now if he would have said this back in June instead of October…I would have responded differently but he waited till the week BEFORE the test….THE WEEK RIGHT BEFORE the test….honestly. Then when I tell him I can't see him, he starts to guilt trip me and question what I'm doing and how long it takes to study. He tells me that he knows I take breaks and can't be studying the whole time. 
LIKE EXCUSE YOU SIR but sit back down and let me tell you something.
The week before the test is a whole different ballgame. It's literally pre-test after pre-test. Making sure all those drills and all those hours studying paid off and that NOTHING is misunderstood.It's analyzing test sections and answers that you got wrong in order to make sure you get them right on Saturday.
Did he get it?? Nooooooooooooo he refused and kept asking to see me

Is it too much to ask for a guy who thinks it's sexy that I'm trying to get into the law school of my dreams? Is it too much to ask for a guy who thinks its great I'm ambitious and have a sense of direction for my future?

With that I say be true to yourself and don't let ANY guy or ANY one get in between you and your goals. Only you know how bad you want to achieve something and you don't need negativity in your life dragging you down the opposite path. So you keep pushing further towards your goals and if that means leaving that certain someone behind #boybye there are better fish in the sea.

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