Sunday, October 25, 2015

Halloween Life Lessons #09202830842

So last year I bought a black cat ear/tail/bowtie set from Charlotte Russe for literally $1 after Halloween and a cheetah print set. I really loved the cheetah print set, it was a nice quality and didn't feel gross or like cheap dollar tree ears. However when I took the black cat ears out of the packaging there was a HUGE difference. The ears were scratchy and low quality and I could hardly stand wearing them.

What did I do….

I threw that whole set out thinking I would never need them because I would never be a cliche cat for Halloween.

This year though I decided I would be a bat for one Halloween event….and what did I need BLACK EARS.

My friends do not throw away costume pieces! You can always use them in later years or swap with friends.

I franticly searched everywhere to find darn black ears and after 5 places only had other animals or devil horns I found it! Hobby Lobby coming to the rescue and only for $7.99 

I would have saved $6 but these are better quality at least to the touch!

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