Sunday, December 29, 2013


Found these bad boys at Kohls for only $6.49 in December to start off the new year with edge!!! I love love love love love love love them! Honestly the price could not have been better!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Curly Hair

So here is what I normally look like.
I have really curly hair that is kind of unpredictable at times but hey I love it :)

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013

So here is the final look I came up with :) Super cute yet fierce purple witch coming at ya! I had a Halloween party/fundraiser to go to so I figured a little black dress (LBD) was more than fitting for the occasion. I have this wonderful re-sale clothing store by my house in TX, that supports battered women and I like to shop there all the time. Not only am I supporting what they stand for but I am also getting great deals on clothing that is in near perfect condition. The dress that I wore for this event is velvet and has shiny diamond like accessories around the collar (front and back). It was the perfect length that fell right above the knee. It was form fitting and yet I felt comfortable the whole night and didn't worry about being uncomfortable after I ate. My witch hat is something my mom has collected over the years (I currently have 9 witch hats….yeah do you see a trend here). My earrings and rings are from a $1 jewelry store here in Oklahoma.

Ok so here I tried to give you the most fierce head shots I took. I honestly just really love how the makeup turned out and the face glitter looks so perfect and mystical and not at all trashy!! and dang look at those purple lips!! Those lips too soooooo much work but were so worth it in the end!

so this is what the dress looks like. Don't mind the messy room..I was too concerned about making this look like perfection to clean.

And after the night was done, I really didn't want to take any of my make-up off or the glitter. Let's face it, if I could wear make-up like this everyday I would!!!

Hope you guys liked my look, I will make a post on what products I used later :D


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Prep Halloween 2013

 My favorite holiday is Halloween! Hands down my favorite time of year! I love love love love love love everything about the halloween season :D So I take my makeup pretty seriously for halloween which usually makes me try out makeup looks several days in advance and then a final preview the night before halloween. I try to incorporate glitter into my halloween looks every year so this is what I came up for my "final preview." I had a really hard time deciding whether to do a "green witch" or "purple witch" look. Since purple is my favorite color I chose to stick with purple and make the magic happen!

 For all my glitter application I used normal body glitter and eyelash adhesive as the binding agent. I drew the pattern of where I wanted to glitter using a q-tip and the eyelash adhesive, then I patted on the glitter with an old eyeshadow brush that I use specifically for glitter.
 I used the same process mentioned above to create the design on my leg. I was trying to go for a branch (like tree branches) and swirl type look. Last minute I added the heart at the top of the design to try and sweeten up the look.

 These two pictures help you get a closer look at the glitter on my leg :)

Hope you guys like my preview look :)

Saturday, October 12, 2013


In most high schools in the United States we have what's called Homecoming. With high school this means that the football team is having their last home game of the season and this is celebrated with mums and a school dance. For college it's a bit different, especially because I go to a private University in Oklahoma. Basically, we don't have a football team so our homecoming involves our basketball team. We still have a homecoming court (homecoming queen and king, etc) but we have no dance, instead we do several events during the week and to top it all off we have a parade with floats prior to the big game later in the afternoon on a Saturday. We have social clubs are university that are sort of like sororities and fraternities without hazing, alcohol and other such behaviors associated with the stereotypical sorority and fraternity. Rather we are social service based, and solely focused on upholding our Christian routes through our club activities. For homecoming we had an over-arching theme and then each club had to "bid" on an individual theme and see if they won that theme. My social service club won the theme of The Beatles. For this we made our float into a yellow submarine, had several girls dress up as the Beatles, and the rest of us wore Tie-dye and made ourselves try and look like hippies.

Here is what I looked like for the event:

Naturally I have really curly hair but I decided to straighten it for the event!
Headband: Easy as pie, litterally just bought some cute rope like ribbon from Michaels (craft-store) and then cut a desired length and bobby pinned it the back.

Sorry I don't have any close ups of what my make-up looked like but I kept it pretty nautral.

Hope you liked my look :)

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Lime Crime Rant

Okay so have you guys ever noticed on youtube how hard it is to find a darker complexioned girl that has done swatches on the Lime Crime lipstick or lip products! It is so hard to find someone that is of medium-->tan skin tone that has done a review. It's important to check if there are reviews out there, especially reviews coming from people with similar skin tones before you make a purchase on any products but especially products that are more pricey. It's hard to watch pale skin toned reviews about Lime Crime and be able to make a proper selection of color that would look good on my lips. I just wish there was more girls that did reviews on the Lime Crime lipstick or even if the company themselves would show their product on different skin tones to help costumers decide.

End Rant. Thanks for hearing me out :)

Friday, July 26, 2013

Milani Lipstick 12 Flamingo Pose

12 Flamingo Pose

Milani Lipstick 15 Hot Pink Rage

15 Hot Pink Rage

This is probably my favorite pink from the collection.
It's kind of a crazy hot pink color but it's more tame cousin. I like to line my lips with a more neutral pink lip liner and then fill it in with this lipstick. I usually blot the lipstick so it isn't super pigmented. Sometimes I like to embrace neon colors but other times…less is more.

Milani Lipstick 03 OrangeGina

03 OrangeGina

Not your average orange lipstick! It has shimmer but it doesn't create that frosty mouth most of us can't stand. I find that this is a more wearable form of wearing orange lipstick and it's easier to pull off with my carmel/tan skin tone. Some orange lipsticks really clash with my skin tone, or just look horrible with most of my makeup looks. However, this orange is workable for me.

Milani Lipstick 17 Plumrose

17 Plumrose

I guess I would call this a dusty mauve/pink lipstick. It's a nice everyday color to throw on the lips. I probably use this color more in the fall/winter months.

Milani Lipstick 25 Naturally Chic

25 Naturally Chic

Can I just take a second here to rant about how there are so many lipsticks out there that are basically meant to NEVER be used on tan skin tones!! So many nudes make me look DEAD or sleepy or like I have negative lips >:( it makes me frustrated that companies have so many beautiful reds, pinks, etc etc and yet come out with nudes that wouldn't work for tan people. HELLO not our fault we were born this way.
Milani has done it right! Naturally Chic is my go to nude lipstick during the whole year. It even works in the summer when I'm darker, and it works when I'm lighter in the winter.
It's super creamy and easy to apply (with or without at lip liner).
Also since it's a nude when I had a boyfriend he didn't mind getting kisses when I wore this color so CHECK boyfriend approved.

Milani Lipsticks Hand Swatches

 Left to Right: 25 Naturally Chic, 17 Plumrose, 03 OrangeGina, 15 Hot Pink Rage, 12 Flamingo Pose          

Left to Right to bottom: 25 Naturally Chic, 17 Plumrose, 03 OrangeGina, 15 Hot Pink Rage, 12 Flamingo Pose

Monday, June 10, 2013

Offical Welcome

Hey guys,

I love everything that involves glitter and shiny things. Beauty is my passion :) I will try to stick to makeup related posts…but sometimes I might get off topic.

Let's just go where the wind takes us.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Revlon Photoready BB Cream Medium

Alright so here are my thoughts on the Revlon Photoready BB Cream. This is my second tube so I do like this product a lot. I usually don't wear full foundation make-up just because I don't like that feeling of having a ton of product on my face. I am use to wearing mineral loose powder foundation when my face needs that extra pick me up. But during the summer time I highly recommend something light on your face that you really don't have to worry about. 

This product really does help even out skin tone issues. I saw a much more even complexion after I applied the product. It was easy to apply, and I didn't have to use a brush with it to create the perfect look.
 This is what the tube looks like, sorry mine looks dirty. You get 30 mL of product, and I would say this lasts me about 3-4 months before I need to buy another one or try out a new "foundation-like" product.

 Here is a thick layer of what the BB cream looks like. I got a little carried away here, so don't worry I wiped some off.
Here I rubbed the product in with my hands. You can kind of see where the product is.

The only problem I have: is that Revlon only has 3 shades, so if I get too dark I have to warm up the BB cream with some bronzer so my face looks like the rest of my body.