Saturday, May 19, 2018

Hogwarts Mystery -Year Two - Potions Q&A's Fire Protection Potion

It's all about the end game (well to me at least)

Here are some questions I've had to answer that you might come across (everyone's question may be different). For me these questions popped up while earning stars to attempt to learn "Fire Protection Potion" which by the way takes 9 stars before you can even start the lesson. Talk about a total energy drain!

Q: Which ingredient is NOT used in shrinking solution

Q: Which of these ingredients IS an ingredient in Polyjuice Potion

Hope this helps! These both gave me +10 to my Knowledge stat

Friday, May 18, 2018

Hogwarts Mystery - Year 2 - Duel Bill Weasley

Currently addicted to Hogwarts Mystery! I downloaded it last week and have played it every single day since.

I will be posting tips and tricks to get you through your years at Hogwarts. Some of these posts will have spoilers.

When it comes to dueling I really don't like to prolong the match. I like to try and anticipate the actions of my opponent and end it as soon as possible so the possibility of me winning does not decrease.

Here is a screenplay of my duel with Bill during my second year. This is the very first duel with Bill. I included the dialogue on what happened after the duel ended pause the video if you don't want to spoil anything.

I am not sure if there are multiple paths the computer chooses when you play so I am unsure if you will get the same exact results I have. Let me know if it went exactly the same.

But as you can see here is what happened:

1) I chose sneaky that beat his defensive stance
2) I chose defensive that beat his aggressive stance
3) I chose sneaky that beat his defensive stance

Are you all enjoying the game?

Friday, May 4, 2018

Hogwarts Mystery Transfiguration -Year Two - Q&A's

Honestly super stoked to get to take Transfiguration with Professor Minerva McGonagall (the real OG) my second year at Hogwarts! This class doesn't unlock till your second year so you have to be patient.

Just like in your other studies there will be a time where the professor tests your knowledge on various Hogwarts subjects.

So far these are the first set of questions I have had to deal with.

Q: What spell vanishes an object?

Q: What spell would you use to mend  a pair of glasses?

Q: What spell turns an object to stone?

:) who else is team Slytherin?

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Hogwarts Mystery - House Cup - Year 1 Results

Ayyyyeee your girl did it. Even with Snape decimating me by taking 20 house points away after the duel with Merula. This is the biggest House Point set back you will encounter your first year and it is impossible the get around, meaning no matter what series of events you take you will lose those 20 points.

Alls well that ends well as the story goes! In all realness I didn't think we'd get this far but ayyeee we did it.

The sad part is you aren't playing with real people in your region on the leaderboard so everything is made up with autogenerated names or even names of characters you come into contact in the game. I am currently playing my second year and have yet to figure out if it's possible to lose the House Cup.

:) why is your house the best house?