Saturday, May 2, 2015


Tinder dun dun dun.

Yup that's right I am on Tinder. I have been for a year now off and on. It's crazy living in a city and to think you would have never had a connection to any of these people and yet they live so close!! 


When going on a Tinder date please please please think of safety first! You never know who someone truly is and you do NOT want to be caught off guard  Make sure someone knows where you are going and make sure to let them know you are okay. If something doesn't feel right then get out of there ASAP or if it's before you leave your house for the date, simply don't go. It's better to be safe than sorry.

MY experiences with chatting:

Some guys can be down right amazing and try to woo you with their words, and others are vulgar and you want to slap them silly. Remember your worth ladies! It's okay to just hit un-match no explanation needed, you don't need their filth in your lives!

MY experiences Tinder dating:

In this past year I have only been on 4 dates. Which is probably a low number but I also went on dates with a few guys at the same university I went to, and wound up dating someone for a semester. When I'm dating someone I don't double dip because if I'm into someone I'm only into that one person.
But anyway when things go back to normal single status, I like to see what's up on Tinder.

Some guys are really sweet, charming, and everything you hope for. However, there really isn't a spark. Don't take it personal but sometimes they might not even call/text back after you meet in person. But that's okay because you weren't going to send a text either. No bother in wasting time.

Some guys are after one thing. They WILL try and charm you back to their place. Ladies have some respect for yourself and just walk away. Unless you want to of course, I won't tell you how to live your life. 

Then we have the rare unicorns that fit into category one from above….but there are also SPARKS! Like 4th of July sparks and butterflies flipping around in your stomach. Now these unicorns don't happen often and may be a needle in a hay stack. But ladies they are out there. 

Needless to say  I'm still single but it's more fun this way :)

Happy Tinder hunting ladies and remember to have fun and stay safe!

~ C